Sepulveda Basin Vision Plan Released

Written by Elle Laur | Jun 24, 2024 12:10:02 AM

The final Sepulveda Basin Vision Plan was released on June 17 at a press event at Balboa Lake, a picturesque setting in the heart of the City of Los Angeles’ 2,000-acre regional park.  The golf community offered its support as all 54 holes of golf currently available in the park were retained in the final Vision Plan. 

The SCGA’s involvement throughout the plan’s development placed golf’s interests squarely at the center of a comprehensive stakeholder input process. Initially, there was concern that golf holes would be removed from the three courses that reside in the Basin: Balboa GC, Encino GC, and Woodley Lakes GC. Together the courses host more than 250,000 rounds of golf each year and are home to numerous SCGA member clubs. Woodley Lakes GC is also home to the SCGA Junior Golf Foundation’s San Fernando Valley Player and Youth Development Program.  

Early drafts of the Vision Plan began with options to eliminate 9, 18, or 27 holes of the park’s municipal/public golf, but concluded with the maintenance of 54 holes that are to be improved in three ways: 1) The "refresh/upgrade" of Woodley Lakes, 2) the re-routing of those holes on Encino GC that are the first to flood when the LA River floods during heavy rainfall seasons, and 3) the repurposing of the unused acreage surrounding much of the three Basin golf courses as natural habitat.  

At Monday’s press conference, Los Angeles City Councilwoman Imelda Padilla of the 6th District stood alongside California State Senator Henry Stern, Deputy Mayor Randall Winston, Recreation and Parks General Manager Jimmy Kim, and representatives from various public agencies and advocacy organizations to announce the completion of a final Vision Plan and described the ways by which the Plan strikes a delicate balance. The final Vision Plan enhances the recreational amenities currently offered in the Basin while also incorporating a multi-benefit river restoration/naturalization project that will enhance the city’s resiliency against catastrophic flood events. 

Senator Stern presented a $2.5 million dollar check to begin funding what is projected to be a multi-billion-dollar project. He stated, “I believe all Angelenos deserve green spaces to escape the concrete jungle, and legislating climate-focused and nature-based solutions in the basin will help rewild LA, providing everyone with the nature-fix they need.” 

The release of the final Vision Plan marked a monumental step for the Basin's municipal golf gems. “Our goal is clear: To turn this area into a vibrant, accessible part of Los Angeles where nature and urban life seamlessly connect,” said Councilwoman Padilla. The Councilwoman also expressed pride in the final Plan which will bring the “green jewel in the Valley,” to its fullest potential. Golf is already a key piece of the park, but now it is certain to be a key part of its future as well. 

The city will now move forward to complete an Environmental Impact Report.